DIG David Oyebanji Folawiyo was born on 21st November, 1961 in Lagos, where he had his nursery and primary education. He attended Baptist Grammar School, Ilora, and has both a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a Master’s degree in International Relations from AL-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq and University of Yaounde II, IRIC, Cameroon, respectively. He joined the Nigeria Police in March 1988 as a Cadet ASP, served in Ibadan, Oyo state, from 1989 to 1990 and then Police Force Headquarters, Moloney, Lagos, from 1991 till he left Force Headquarters, Abuja, on secondment to the ICPO-Interpol, from 2001 to 2005. As a Regional Specialized Officer at the Interpol Sub-Regional Bureau (SRB), DIG Folawiyo was Officer-in-Charge Anglophone countries in West Africa, Head of some organized crime units, Head of Research and Archives, Head of Logistics and Supplies, and Secretary of the Permanent Secretariat for the West African Chiefs of Police Committee (WAPCCO), (2001 – 2005).

In course of service, DIG Folawiyo was posted Director Peacekeeping Operations and Training 2006 as well as DC Force Secretary II, FHQ, Abuja, 2014. As Commissioner of Police (CP), he was appointed CP Federal Operations (FEDOPS) in 2015, CP Airport Command 2017, CP Maritime Police Command 2017, CP Armament 2018, AIG Department of Training and Development, Force Headquarters, Abuja, 2019-2020 and the pioneer AIG zone 17 Akure, until his appointment as Deputy Inspector-General of Police (DIG).

DIG Folawiyo took the National/Ports Security Training Course in Police Academy Cairo in 1993; the Advanced Certificate in National Security at the same Academy in 1998; Interpol Training Course in Crime Analysis at Accra, Ghana 2003; the Higher Management Course of the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) and the Police Senior Command Course (SCC) in 2009, Train the Trainer Course in Leadership and Performance Evaluation 2012;  He got Higher Diploma in Security Studies at Ecole Internationale de Forces de Securite (EIFORCES),Yaounde and a Master’s Degree in International Relations, from University of Yaounde II, Yaounde, Cameroon, in the year 2014. He is a member of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies,Course 40, Kuru, Jos, Nigeria, 2018.

DIG Folawiyo, mni, got a Certificate of Recognition for the professional services rendered Interpol as Regional Specialised Officer from July 2001 to December 2005. IGP’s Commendation in December 2006 for courage and dedication beyond ordinary, in single-handedly spearheading  the establishment and commissioning of the Police Peacekeeping Hall and Documentation Centre, at the Force Headquarters, Abuja. He was awarded the Passed Staff College Dagger in December 2015; the badge for the Best Country Participant at EIFORCES, Cameroon, Course II, 2014 to 2015. He is a Fellow Africa Centre for Crime Prevention, Research and Studies (Cairo, Egypt), Member of the National Institute (mni) (2018) and a holder of Nimeche Distinguished Merit Award (2019).
In the last one decade, DIG Folawiyo has performed the following important Adhoc/Ancillary activitiesamong others:
(A) Member, Police Institutions 2009 Syllabi Review Committee
(B) Chairman/Membership of 2011 to 2013 Boards of Examiners and Markers For Promotion Courses
(C) Member, North East Protection and Security Coordination Working Group 2015 – 2016
(D) Coordinator, North East Special Duties and Logistics Requirement for Restoration of Civil Authority 2015 – 2016
(E) Member, Technical Committee for Distribution of Relief Items in Customs Warehouses to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) 2016
(F) Chairman, Security Planning Committee, 2nd Regional Security Summit, Abuja, 2016
(G) Member, Inter – Ministerial Committee of The US – Nigeria Bi-National Commission, 2016
(H) Inaugural Member, PEBEC, 2018
(I) Member, Technical Committee on Settlement of Federal Government’s Ministries, Department and Agencies Electricity Bills, 2019
(J) Chairman, Sub-Committee on Community Policing, Presidential Committee on Strengthening the Internal Security Framework and Community Policing in Nigeria, 2019
(K) Co-Coordinator Police Partnerships with Other MDAS, Diplomatic Missions, Multi-National Companies/Agencies, NGO etc. 2019-2020.

In his time, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) finally evolved the wholesome document,  which The Police Management Team accepted and IGP Usman Alkali Baba approved as The ICT Policy for The Nigeria Police Force.

In retirement, Prince Folawiyo, psc(+), mni, is the President of The Perceival Group of Investments, including Perceival Consultants and Associates, The Perceival Farms and Produce Company, Perceival Paints Limited, Perceival Integrated Energy Services Limited, Perceival Agencies Limited, Perceival Shipping and Tanks Limited, as well as Alternative Security and Safety Agencies (formerly Perceival Security and Safety Agencies).

He is a member of the National Steel Council and a member of the NISA Quartet Government Interface Committee On Shipping and Related Matters.